Mobile Stables & Field Shelters - Woodhouse Stables - Quality Stable and shelters
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Mobile Stables & Field Shelters

Mobile Stables & Mobile Field Shelters – Fantastic Value…

We have a choice of two types of different mobile timber buildings. Mobile Field Shelters which allow your horse to wander in and out as it pleases, and Mobile Stables, which offer a traditional stabling arrangement, with the added convenience of being mobile.

In many cases, planning permission is not required for our Mobile Stables and Mobile Field Shelters.

Mobile Stables

double mobile stable - offer -green field

Please click on the image above to find out more about our range of Mobile Stables.

Mobile Field Shelters

double mobile field shelter - offer - green-field

Please click on the image above to find out more about our range of Mobile Field Shelters

Mobile Stables & Mobile Field Shelters - lowest price promise-150x800-banner